Sunday, May 19, 2013

Movie Review ~ Iron Man 3 :333

So I normally wouldn't do a movie review, and I know that this movie has been out for about two weeks now, but I really love Iron Man (favorite :3) so I'm gonna say my personal opinions on the movie.

Pros: So the movie really did show a more vulnerable side of Tony Stark (which was kind of cool) and the plot even had a different tone to it than the previous movies. Also, this movie had way more humor put in it. Of course the previous Iron Man movies had there hilarious moments, but this one had screams in it! I don't want to give away anything to anyone who hasn't seen the movie yet, but for those who have seen it, I love the scene with the little kid in it.  And finally, the graphics were wonderful! I've always loved the Iron Man movie graphics especially when it comes to the suits and all of the holographic scenes in Tony's lab. Now, like I said before, this last Iron Man movie really did show a different side to Tony. It's already given away in the commercials, but Tony goes all PTSD on people's asses in this one. If anyone was wondering why, this is all because of Thor and Loki- 

Those little assholes... No, really it's because the they all fell out of the sky and the black hole and all that Avengers shit. So Tony's having some kind of epiphany that "Holly crap, we're not the only ones in the universe thing..." and that's just fucked his shit up. So while Tony is still being the funny, sarcastic and sexy playboy we all know and love, he's still having a lot of freakouts and experiencing major anxiety. Even the plot was a little more serious because of him and Pepper and him realizing shit just got real. 

Cons: Now one thing that really pissed me off was the Mandarin. In the books and even in the comics, the Mandarin is someone TOTALLY different!!! Now I can't really say anything without giving too much away (because I know a lot of people who haven't seen this movie yet), but what I will say (and hopefully those who have watched this movie know what I'm talking about) is that this new dude that plays the Mandarin is NOT the same as the original... AT ALL... Here, just to remind everybody what the real Mandarin looked like compared to the new dude... 


 The plot was good, like I said in the Pros section, and it was cool and all, but it was not anything that ever really happened in the comics, nor in the childhood TV shows some of us grew up watching. So basically, this whole plot is kind of just... Fake. Cool fake, but still... Fake. And that kinda couldn't get out from under my skin throughout the whole movie. Now, here's the other thing, people are wondering whether or not there will be another Iron Man movie. And that' tough to say no, isn't it? For the most part, Marvel seems to make about three movies for one person, and then stop. And for those of you who haven't watched Iron Man three, my advice is to stay for the end of the credits. There's an extra scene that's pretty cool. At the end of the movie, however, it does say that Tony Stark will return. This confuses a lot of fans because they think that another movie is destined to come out. Well, I wish that was true, but it might not happen. This movie came out a bit earlier because the Avengers haven't stopped yet; and you can't have the Avengers without Iron Man. You can have it without Spider Man apparently, but not Iron Man. You see, the Avengers is owned by Disney (I know, I know...) so they can pretty much do whatever they want whenever the fuck they want. Which is great and all, but now all the separate heros that are part of the Avengers have movies that either a) don't exist yet and probably should have existed first or b) have movies out already that seem to take place after the Avengers. This kind of causes a problem for plots and story lines, see what I mean? So when it says that, it pretty much means that he will return... With the Avengers. I really do hope though, deep in my heart, that it means there will be another Iron Man movie. Some people feel that having more than three movies would be crappy. Just look at other movie series that continue on; they don't really turn out so well. But I feel that Iron Man could never get old, and maybe that's just me being biased because Iron Man is my favorite, but I'm sure there's some people out there who could agree. I mean, let's put it this way; some movies are destined to continue, while others should just stop.
             Harry Potter: wonderful, it should always continue. Fast and Furious: no... never again... I'm sick of you. Love Guru: please come out with a second one? Ice Age: I loved the first two, not the thirtieth one. Monsters Inc: I'M SO EXCITED FOR THE SECOND ONE! I'VE WAITED EIGHT YEARS! Shrek: NO MORE! YOU WERE GREAT THE FIRST TIME AND MAYBE SECOND! NOT AFTER THAT! THANKS! 

See what I mean? So I really do hope that there is another one, because the movie itself had some faults (probably because of the timing with the Avengers movie and it's future ones yet to be made) so another one could really work out those kinks in my opinion. 

Well, sorry this came out a little later but thanks for reading!

For all the pics: I found them on Google, I do not own them and give credit to whoever the hell found them! 

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