Sunday, November 24, 2013

Web Comic Review ~ Olympus Overdrive

I've been waiting to give this web-comic a review simply because it hadn't really gotten started off when I first started reading it. But with the up-to-date number of pages (45 and still on-going) I think there would be no better time to do this! 
About: As the title suggests, this comic is about Greek mythology. The Gods of Olympus have stopped interacting with mortals for far too long (three Olympian years) and now face the issue of too many deities populating the immortal realm. The other Gods already feel as though Zeus's reign wasn't really fair in the first place and threaten rebellion so Zeus decides that instead they'll all compete in a game, involving mortals, in order to see which God will now be the new ruler of Olympus. The tale revolves mainly around the god Hades and his assigned mortal Maxwell, but the story changes around with different characters. This comic is an action comic at most and does involve a new twist on Hades personality as well as keeping up with some original greek mythology tales. 
Pros: The art for this web-comic is more than satisfactory! It's very detailed and has a bit of a manga style to it. What I'm most amazed about with this comic is that even with such an art style, the artist is still able to update as fast as they do. Along with that, they do have a lot of graphics that simulate it like a video game. I really don't like comparing the two, however if you really want to think about it this way it's a bit like Homestuck in terms of graphics in order to simulate a video game. However, I find these to be far better. It may be that the art design is better though. But this does also give the reader some control over how the story will go. For example, on certain pages you can pick which line you wish the character to say. And there are mini stories in between the major storyline. These mini stories are actual small tales from Greek mythology and they always pertain to the major storyline and give some background information. I like these because they give the reader a chance to understand some of the God's personalities or even some of their background without the reader having to go back and actually research into mythology. That and it just simply makes Greek mythology that much more interesting. Overall, I really like the storyline, especially since it shows the different side of the God of the underworld, Hades. It just has a different and new take. I don't find it uninteresting in the slightest. 

Cons: Now my biggest issue with this web-comic is the layout. Now while it does update fairly fast, due to it's art style, I do find that it updates too slow for a reader to keep up with the storyline and fully understand what's going on. Especially when a reader leaves for a week of too so that they can read a hulk of pages all together, it gets a little difficult to find where they left off. This mainly pertains to the type of story that it is as well as how the website is laid out. It can't really be helped though, and I don't find it to be the fault of the group who makes this. It's simply because the story revolves around one character while having the stories of other characters brought into the picture. So because of that, I find that it can confuse readers. Greek mythology is also very confusing on it's own, and while this story hasn't really ran into many problems with it yet, I'll be interested to see how this effects it later on in the storyline. I put this comment in the Cons section simply because I find that it can cause multiple reasons for confusion. However, that will have to wait until later on in this series. 

Worth the Read: I actually put this web-comic as one of my top favorites. Between the art design, the graphics, and the storyline I love it too much to really find a reason not to read it. I think the overall I like that it has such a random theme like Greek mythology and I think it brings such a modern twist to it so views can easily relate to it. Along with this, the main author of this story, Oskar, stated that this comic was written about how people learn to get along with one another. And while this may be me just being a cheese ball, I think it's really sweet when a comic has a nice undertone like that to it. I think viewers will really like this web-comic once it takes off a little more. It has so much potential and the fact that it also works with Hiveworks (a very popular place to find great web-comics) gives it an upper-hand in the web-comic world. Check it out and see how much you like it! Hope to see more of it soon! :D 


Olympus Overdrive: 

All rights belong to Oskar and his gang :) Including all photos! 

Hope you guys liked this review! Please come again! :3